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Top Questions
No visits in Life Cycle?
How do I change email address?
I have both Life Cycle and Sleep Cycle, but I don't get Sleep Quality analysis working in Life Cycle.
How does Life Cycle work?
What does Life Cycle do?
What does it mean that it's automatic?
Does Life Cycle really only use 1% of my phone's battery?
I want my data to be private. Is it?
Can I export my data?
I have both Sleep Cycle and Life Cycle. How does that improve my experience?
Best Practices
How do you calculate the averages?
I want to log activities in Life Cycle that the app can't or won't log for me. How do I do that?
I work a lot from home. How can Life Cycle help me track that?
I've got a new phone. Can I move my Life Cycle to that phone?
Free and Premium
Terms and conditions for Premium subscription
How do I view, change or cancel my Premium subscription?
How do I upgrade to Premium?
What's the difference between Free and Premium?